Tag Archive for ESG
UK Modern Slavery Act Lacking Bite, For Now
Human Rights Due Diligence (I): Corporate Social Responsibility meets Compliance
Supply Chain Due Diligence – the Case of Conflict Minerals and Beyond (II)
Supply Chain Due Diligence – the Case of Conflict Minerals and Beyond (I)
Conflict Resolution (II): A Risk Evaluation Tool for Mediators
The second part of the article on conflict resolution draws the conclusions from the previously developed argument, that mitigating the risks of peace negotiations, as perceived by the conflict parties, is the key to ending protracted conflict (see Conflict Resolution (I): Peace-Making and Risk-Taking). The risk evaluation tool introduced below, aims to identify and assess…
Regime Change by the People
The popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt pose the fundamental question of how best to analyze regime change driven by the power of the people. This article explores dynamic patterns of behavior both on part of civil protest movements and targeted autocratic regimes. These patterns of interaction rule the confrontation and its ultimate outcome, and…
The Corrosion of Democracy
What has happened to the idea and practice of democracy? What many vigilant observers of countries and political systems might have concluded from their daily analysis of political events and processes, has now been confirmed as a global pattern. Democratization has not only come to a halt but has been in decline across the world…