Tag Archive for fraud
Supply Chain Due Diligence – the Case of Conflict Minerals and Beyond (II)
Supply Chain Due Diligence – the Case of Conflict Minerals and Beyond (I)
Integrity Due Diligence – Towards an integrated approach to Compliance (I)
The serious impact and long-term effects of economic crimes, such as money laundering, corruption and fraud (‘MLFC’), may not seem to be as apparent as those resulting from hard security threats. These crimes do, however, pose some of the most menacing risks currently facing governments, institutions and corporations. The following article aims to discuss an…
Corruption Risks and International Climate Investments
The several hundred billion Dollars to be invested in measures to fight climate change over the coming years, not only encourage the good who seek to halt dangerous global warming, but they also attract the crooks who look for new booty. Transparency International (TI), the renowned international civil anti-corruption organization, recently published a comprehensive report…