Corporations and institutions can attain a strategic and competitive advantage by pursuing an integrated approach to integrity due diligence. By assessing the trustworthiness and reliability of customers, business partners and any third parties, organisations ensure the fulfilment of compliance requirements, whilst concurrently facilitating a concerted effort to combat money laundering, fraud and corruption (‘MLFC’) –…
Tag Archive for risk assessment
Conflict Resolution (II): A Risk Evaluation Tool for Mediators
The second part of the article on conflict resolution draws the conclusions from the previously developed argument, that mitigating the risks of peace negotiations, as perceived by the conflict parties, is the key to ending protracted conflict (see Conflict Resolution (I): Peace-Making and Risk-Taking). The risk evaluation tool introduced below, aims to identify and assess…
The Political Risk Analyst (II)
Political Risk Analysis is the child of two parents: political economy and area studies. Both academic fields are, per se, interdisciplinary and multifold in their approaches to studying the interrelations between political, economic, social and cultural developments in specific countries and regions, and are therefore a perfect match. As outlined in the first part of…
Food Security within the Global Risk Matrix
The rules of political survival call for the governments meeting at the G20 summit in Paris on February 18 to improve food security. While the scandal of almost one billion people worldwide affected by chronic hunger persists, it is the political risk of food riots that might give the matter a new priority. Various factors…
WEF’s Global Risks 2011: New Risk Clusters in Focus
In the lead-up to its annual meeting at Davos, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum (WEF) issued the report Global Risks 2011. The report is set in the context of the WEF’s new platform, the Risk Response Network. The organization’s proclaimed objective to translate analysis into the development of practical solutions for the planet’s future, gives…
Reputational Due Diligence – The key to strategic risk management
Reputational Due Diligence supports the strategic risk management of business ventures in international markets. As introduced in the following article, the combination of Integrity Due Diligence with Political Due Diligence enables an investor to gain a comprehensive assessment of possible reputational risks attached to a business partner. This concerns compliance and corporate governance issues in…